Dog Trainer Rob | Private Lessons, Board and Train, Canine Nutrition | Long Island, Queens, Manhattan, Jersey City

Dog Trainer Rob

American Kennel Club Evaluator
Canine Nutritionist
Forest Hills, New York

What Is The NePoPo® Dog Training System?

What Is NePoPo® Dog Training System?

NePoPo® is a system of dog training created by Bart and Michael Bellon that was inspired by almost 50 years of experience. This experience encompasses history, education, life experience, politics, and practicality. Bart originated the NePoPo® system, and with the contributions of his wife, Michael, NePoPo® has evolved to the system it is today.

NePoPo® is a training system where you get behavior on cue. NePoPo® is a negative-positive-positive training system that allows the handler to take advantage of the benefits of both Positive Reinforcement training and Negative Reinforcement training (sometimes called “Avoidance” training). The negative-positive-positive system is where NePoPo® got its name.

NePoPo® becomes more and more like a lifestyle where people choose to use it all the time because it is effective, humane, and engaging for dogs and handlers alike. NePoPo® makes training easy, enjoyable, harmonious, passionate, entertaining, and effective.

The NePoPo® system is a system where correction of a dog does not lead to submission. The negative reinforcement followed by positive reinforcement creates a behavior. As a result, an unpleasant feeling announces a nice event. Later you can use that same negative stimulation in correction mode, which will immediately bring the dog from unwanted behavior into wanted behavior.

Using the NePoPo® system, the dog is prepared for the day when they will receive a conflict and perform the wrong behavior. They will then receive a correction, but that correction will immediately push them from unwanted behavior into wanted behavior with understanding, confidence, and speed.

Trainers cannot deny that training must come with consequences. There must be a consequence for both doing and not doing the exercise. That is why strictly positive training does not work when there are distractions or conflicts present which are stronger than the reward. For all training, one must ask the following questions: What do I do when the dog does something correctly? What do I do when the dog does something incorrectly? What do I do when the dog does something incorrectly after being trained to do it correctly? This applies to every aspect of dog training: for pet dogs, police dogs, military dogs, and sport dogs.

(NePoPo® is developed by Bart and Michael Bellon. The name Bart Bellon® and NePoPo® are registered trademarks of Bart and Michael Bellon.)